Nerge Open House- February 16 from 5:30-7:00 PM Save the Date!
This year’s Open House, February 16, will take on a multicultural theme showcasing the many cultures, countries, languages, and traditions that make our Nerge family so special.
We are still looking for students, individuals, and/or family members who know how to write in a language other than English. Please contact [email protected] with your name, child’s name, and contact information if this describes you and you would be interested in teaching others to learn to write in another language.
We are also looking for any families would be willing to display cultural or traditional clothing that represents their backgrounds. Please contact [email protected] with your name, child’s name, and contact information if you would be willing to loan your attire to the school to be on display only for the evening.
Finally, there is still time to get involved! We would love for you and/or your family member(s) to represent your culture/country/language through an activity at our Open House event. It could be a game, talent, craft, performance, etc… We will be accepting completed flyers (attached) or this Google Form through Wednesday, January 25. It is sure to be an amazing night with your support! The world needs who you were made to be!