
November 7, 2022
Conferences- November 21 & 22

School District 54 is making it easier than ever for families to schedule conferences with teachers. We’ve partnered with “Meet the Teacher” to provide a mobile-friendly and easy-to-use system that creates a simple and streamlined scheduling experience. To login and schedule a conference, please visit and enter the information in the text fields.

For more detailed information on how to login and navigate the site, please view our guide below. 

If you have any questions, please call Pam Mazzoni and Lori LaCursia at 847-357-5777 or email [email protected]

Veteran’s Day- November 11

Nerge School will host its annual Veterans Day Assembly on Friday, November 11th. The purpose of this assembly is to teach our students about the significance of Veterans Day, and to honor members in our community who have served or are currently serving in any of the U.S. military branches. 

Nerge Science Fair- Save the Date February 16

We are excited to host a Nerge Science Fair accompanying our Open House Event on February 16.  Stay tuned for more information on how to sign up your Nerge scientist to participate!


Eat breakfast with family and friends in a winter wonderland! Have a picture taken with Santa! Look for the reservation form to come home later this week. Reservations will be taken on a first come, first serve basis.

Date: Saturday, December 3, 2022

*Volunteers Needed for Saturday with Santa on Friday Night and Saturday

To volunteer, please go to: