
February 18, 2025


IAR (Illinois Assessment of Readiness) and ISA (Illinois Science Assessment)

Each spring, students in District 54 take federally mandated assessments (IAR and ISA for grade 5 students) designed to help school districts understand how our students are growing academically.  This year, the English Language Arts and Math Assessments for grades 3-8 will be given at school between March 3 and March 21.  The Science Assessments for grade 5 will be given between March 17-21.   Here is Nerge’s Schedule:

Grade 3: March 3-7

Grade 4: March 10-14

Grade 5: March 7, 11-14, 18-20
Grade 6: 
March 3-6, 10

Visitor Aware

Just a reminder that the Visitor Aware system is now in place at Nerge.  Please ensure you have a form of identification so you can enter into the building.  We appreciate your cooperation with this! 

iPads Being Sent Home

Just a reminder, students in kindergarten through second grade are bringing their iPads and chargers home each day through March 21, 2024.  The charger and iPad may remain in backpacks each night.  Students are to bring their iPads back to school each day.   There will not be any assignments or homework issued on K-2 iPads unless we reach an E-Learning Day as part of our D54 winter weather response plan.  
 As a reminder, iPads are an instructional device and should only be used to access the instructional apps that are installed on the iPad. As stated in the Instructional Device Agreement, parents/guardians are responsible for monitoring home internet access.

Nerge’s Open House is March 19!

Mark your calendars!  Nerge’s Open House and Science Fair will be held on Wednesday, March 19.   As we begin planning for this year’s Open House, we want to make sure we respect and acknowledge the diverse celebrations that are important to our school community. Please take a moment to share which holidays you celebrate with your family. This will help us ensure our planning is inclusive and thoughtful.  Link to Family Holiday Survey

Cold Weather Gear

With the colder temperatures, we ask that students come to school prepared with cold weather gear. Students will go outside each day unless the actual temperature or real-feel temperature is below zero.

Lost and Found

Please remind your child to visit our Nerge Lost and Found throughout the next several weeks as it is full of personal items in search of their owners!  We invite you to look through the Lost and Found during upcoming events.  Unclaimed items will be donated in the new year.  

Dress for Winter Weather

As we orbit into the winter weather, please remember to send your child(ren) dressed for the winter weather.  We do go outside for recess daily unless conditions are below zero.  We encourage you to label your child’s hats, scarves, gloves, snow pants, and boots to ensure they stay within your child’s possession all winter season!

Nerge Families, Broadcasting Club Needs your Help

We would like to get Nerge families involved with the Nerge News broadcast. We know we have so many incredible Nerge Knights who shine in and outside of school. We would like to use Nerge News as a platform to acknowledge and celebrate all the amazing things Nerge Knights are doing both in and out of school.  If you would like to share a recent accomplishment or exciting event happening in your child’s life, please fill out the form attached here.  Then, we will feature the student(s) on our Nerge News broadcast! Some examples might be a student’s participation in a spelling bee, a student winning the championship with their soccer team, or a Nerge family’s celebration of a special holiday. Thank you for helping us celebrate all the wonderful things our students are doing outside of school.   

– Mr. Waldau and Miss Lettecci 

Share your Shining Star Moments at Nerge

Spreading Happiness at Nerge means sharing the good news! If you have a Shining Star moment that you would like to share with Nerge School, we want to know about it! A Shining Star moment could be any accomplishment, special moment or happy event your family enjoyed together! If you have something you are proud of, please send in a picture via email to your classroom teacher, or print one and send it in with your child. All photos will be displayed on a special bulletin board in Nerge school for everyone to see! 

Internet Access
 If your family is in need of assistance with internet accessibility, please email or call [email protected] or 847-357-5777.

Nerge Parking Lot 

Thank you for reserving our parking lot spots for Nerge staff in the mornings.  We ask that families transporting students to school by family vehicle use Jennifer Lane. 

Pizza Mondays

We are excited to announce that Pizza Mondays are back! We will be offering Cheese and Gluten Free Cheese Pizza. Our new vendor this year will be Tri Amici Pizza from Palatine.

Nerge School Hours 

School hours are 8:30 AM to 3:00 PM with instruction beginning at 8:40 AM.  Every Wednesday, students are dismissed thirty minutes early at 2:30 PM.  The Nerge office is open from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM Monday through Friday.  Our student absence line is available twenty-four hours a day (847-357-5776).  Please be sure to call if your child will be absent from school.

Lunch Periods

11:00-11:45: Grades 1, 3, 4 and 5

11:45-12:30: Grades K, 2, and 6

The lunch period is comprised of approximately 20 minutes of recess and 20 minutes to eat.  On Half-Day Inservices there are no lunch periods since students are dismissed at 11:40 AM.  

Arrival and Dismissal Procedures

Thank you for reviewing our arrival and dismissal procedures with your child before the first day of school!

Nerge PTA 

We hope your family will consider joining our amazing Nerge PTA!  Click on this link to learn more about how they support our students and school.  Link to Nerge PTA